
Sunday, July 10, 2011


Are you looking for a romantic place to impress your date? Look no further than L'Operetta, based in Boat Quay, L'Operetta tries its very best to impress you with their elegant and polished interior and of course, their delectable choice of fine italian food which is subtle and light. Once you step forward, you will be greeted by one of their friendly staff at the entrance, assisting you to your seats.

Yup that's my shoulder :P

See the huge oven inside?


Free flow bread/s of the day

While waiting for my food to arrive, the waiter came along and placed some butter and some olive oil with vinegar. After that, another came with a basket of freshly baked bread. I took a slice of the 3 different kinds. Unfortunately, the waiter have no idea what kind of bread is being served to me. Among the 3, there is a sundried tomato bread which is exceptionally tasty. The other 2, unidentified but definitely infused with some olive oil are fresh and delicious but the sundried tomato bread is just the awesomest of the bunch. One common trait among them is that these Italian breads are soft, spongy and chewy and is good on its own.

Score : 4.25/5.0

Complementary Salad with Vinaigrette Dressing

Nope, I did not order this, but the manager, after learning about my little celebration in the restaurant today, gave us 2 salads complementary from the chef. 

Score : 4.0/5.0

Oven Baked Hokkaido Scallops flavoured with Aromatized Butter

Do I need to describe any more? Do I? The name says it all. While reading the name of the dish, I am already reacting like pavlov's dog to the bell. Sitted and baked in an adorable little pot, the scallops comes to my mouth piping hot off the oven. It is definitely fresh with this subtle taste of the butter. Ups!

The table behind me was a bunch of Japanese ladies who were incidentally having the same dish and exclaiming " Oishii!" repeatedly.

Score: 4.0/5.0

"Catch of the day" Grilled and Garnished with Vegetable stew

A slice of fish( not too sure what catch is it) that is lightly seared on a pan to a nice crispy crust on the skin, garnished with thinly sliced mushrooms and sitting on top of a mixed vegetable stew. This is a really light-tasting fish that is tasty and simple. If you are one who likes your food flavorful, you might be a little disappointed. But if you like it light, this is just your dish.

Score : 4.0/5.0

Sea Urchin Pasta

Pasta cooked to a nice al dente bite as how I like, with bits of sea urchin tossed in and broccoli for  the greens. The serving is a tad small, and the taste of the Sea Urchin is slightly masked by the broccoli. The taste of the pasta do get better with every bite, so I guess it is an acquired taste. Fans of sea urchin have raved about this dish. If the portion were to be a bit more, I might have grown to love it by then?

Score: 3.75/5.0

Bismarc (Pizza)

The restaurant has its own Vera wood-fired pizza oven which you can see through the glass wall of the kitchen, where the chefs and his assistants are busy chopping and preparing their food, ramping up the excitement for those who can't wait to dig in. Its authentic pizzas are baked in this oven and immediately served.

Tomato sauce, Mozzarella, Prosciutto(ham), Rucola, Parmesan and Poached egg. My partner chose this immediately due to the poached egg. 

As you can see, the cheese if not like the pizzas we've(locals) come to know. It is littered over the crust in spots and left to melt in the oven. Fear not if you think you might get a slice that is is deprived of cheese as the 'cheesing' is pretty generous. You can almost taste the tomatoes in the base and the crust is thin and chewy. However, the pizza is a tad wet probably due to the poached egg. My favorite out of the bunch.

Score: 4.25/5.0


To round up the delightful meal is a plate of assorted dessert that is decided according to the chef's idea of what to make for that day. It was not described for me so I shall, to the best I can, describe what it is. 

From the back : 


Dark Chocolate fudge cake

Pineapple Sorbet

Though I enjoy coffee, those who do not enjoy coffee might be put off with its strong coffee aroma which the lady fingers(sponge cake, not the veggies) are soaked in. The cream is freshly made with cocoa dust sprinkled over it. Authentic Tiramisu this is.

The dark chocolate cake is rich and thick with crushed pistachios. It doesn't leave a really strong impression on me though.

Out of the three, the pineapple sorbet is the most refreshing and tasty dessert that really ended my meal on a good note. Initially I could not discern what is that familiar fruity zingy taste is, till I called the waitress and asked her. She had no idea until she went to the kitchen to get the answer from the chef, and that is when I found out that the awesome icy wonder is pineapple sorbet. It is really one of the best sorbet I'd ever tried.

Score : 4.0/5.0


If you are looking for a fine place to dine, do consider this pleasant restaurant that will be sure to please you with its interior, food and wonderful, attentive service. Have I said their service is awesome? Yeah I did, yup, 2 thumbs up for their service and an overall good experience.


78, 79 Boat Quay, Singapore 049866 

Tel: 6438 2482

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