
Thursday, December 29, 2011

Super Mario 3D Land

*In this post, by 3D, I meant Stereoscopic 3D*

Maybe I'm weird, but I do enjoy 3D effects a lot. I do not shell out the extra dough every single time if the movie is said to be in 3D. However if a certain movie is shot with 3D in mind (think Avatar and the slightly disappointing Transformers 3: DOTM), I will go for it to experience it. Personally I feel that part of the reason why 3D doesn't catch on is that the content is not maximised for 3D, and of course having to wear the glasses is not the most convenient thing in the world(Especially if you are already required to wear it on top of your visually correcting glasses).

Nintendo 3DS, the successor of the widely popular Nintendo DS with a tongue in cheek name has a slow start since it's initial sale starting this year. Touting glasses-free 3D, the 3D does indeed work but has to be tilted to a proper angle for you to enjoy its effects. Otherwise, the 3D is indeed pretty amazing and can only be properly explained in person.

If you own a 3DS and am thinking of what to buy, or if you are thinking of getting one and thinking of the accompanying softwares to purchase, look no further than 

Super Mario 3D Land is the latest entry of Nintendo's flagship italian plumber. In short, this game is amazing.

Picture in 2D
Every single courses and levels in this game is superbly crafted from every perceivable angle possible. You'll be amazed at some of the courses where Mario is underwater, balancing on a bouncy rope, a flying human cannonball or just floating with the aid of a special equipment. The 3D lever of the game is turned up to max whenever I play with no side effects even after an hour or two. The game is really crafted with 3D in mind, from top to toe. In fact, some of the amazement is lost if you do choose to play in 2D(IMO). 

You'll find yourself delighted and doing something new in every new course. If you've been playing the Mario series from the NES era, you'll be glad to find some tidbits that the developers put in just to delight you. Oh and boy do Mario love to cosplay. Distinction between him and other cosplayers is that his costumes imbues him with various abilities.

Floating with the Tanuki Suit
As child friendly as it looks, the game can kick your ass if you are not careful or plans to just run and jump without thinking. There are just about as many traps for you to make you wonder if it's you or if it's the game. But thankfully whenever you start thinking that(i.e. die enough times in a course) you'll be given a permanent Tanuki suit that gives you invulnerability and gliding through the air. What a nice way to not remind us that we suck.

Nope you can't eat this can grow further
Isn't he tired of kidnapping the princess and seeing Mario every single time?
Certain things stay the same. If you are looking at story, you probably expected the story being Mario trying to save Princess Peach from Bowser and you are right again. Mario is still a vegetarian. No Best Story award for Super Mario 3D Land, but one for the immensely rich and satisfying experience that it provides with every course. It is currently the best game experience on the Nintendo 3DS, and arguably the most enjoyable 3D experience across all media.

I am still a little ways from completing the game and can't wait to get back to it. Bye now ^_^

* All images above are not mind and belongs to Nintendo and the various sources I took from including Joystiq & Kotaku*

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