Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Ultimate Ramen Champion Part III - Gantetsu and Tetsu

Now for the concluding chapter in the ultimate ramen champion trilogy is Gantetsu and Tetsu.  Gantetsu Ordered Special Miso Ramen Ok, before anything, it took me a while to decide which ramen to choose from, there is Miso Ramen, Miso with Butter and Corn and Special Miso Ramen. Difference between the last two seems to be that special miso ramen has more chashu.  The bowl with its light colors, is the most appealing and soothing out of the bunch to me. Plump and crunchy corn, bamboo shoots, seaweed, 3 slices of chashu, curly yellow noodles all in a miso soup broth.  The soup is full bodied with a slightly buttery feel. It is not so strong that I am actually able to...
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Monday, September 26, 2011

The Ultimate Ramen Champion Part II - Bario Ramen and Hakata Ikkousha

This is the second part of my Ramen Champion trilogy, so let's get on with the review of Bario Ramen and Hakata Ikkousha. Bario Ramen For some reason, everytime I’m here, Bario has a long queue and was sold out on my first visit. This ups my curiosity even more and I headed straight for the Bario-queue immediately after arrival. Ordered Bario Ramen Bario brands itself around masculinity and to them, being masculine means big on portions. The bowl is served on my tray which the soup was spilled over the bowl due to overpacking in the bowl. Bario serves Jiro-style ramen with a pork shoyu broth that is heavy on flavor, with a layer of suspended...
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Sunday, September 25, 2011

The Ultimate Ramen Champion Part I - Menya Iroha & Tai Sho Ken

Ramen Champion 2011 is held in Singapore this year, on level 4 of Iluma Bugis. Featuring 6 famous stalls from Japan, visitors will get to vote for their favorite bowl of noodles to see the emerging champion at the end June 2012. How to you go about voting for it? Head to the Ultimate Ramen Champion Facebook page, "Like" it  and vote for it under the "Questions" page. Above is the giant poster of this event, showcasing all 6 chefs of the 6 participating stalls and a picture of their most popular bowl. Some of them are smiling while a few looks really stern. Why do you look so stern if you wanna attract customers?  How do I go about for Ramen Champion? I'll take a page...
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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

il Gelato di Bruno

"Ring~Ring~" is not a sound you would normally hear in Citylink Mall. Hunting for some sweet ending to my dinner in Raffles City Shopping Centre, I was solicited by a cheerful lady who welcomed me into a shop to sample their Gelato. There's a load of choices available (23-24 in total), with each flavor decorated by a cartoon holding a sign of the flavor's name. It is interesting to note the cartoon sign holders are mainly ladies. 2 Lucky Cartoon Male Sign Holders in Gelato Land The staff was extremely pleasant and willing to explain to me what are the best sellers and what are in the individual flavors when all the names just...
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Sunday, September 11, 2011


Are you a late sleeper? On days with no morning obligations, I am almost definitely one. Hence I always miss breakfast, and breakfast food for that matter. Ever felt like eating pancakes or french toast during lunch or dinner time? All day breakfast is here. There are multiple restaurants in Singapore currently serving ADB, and Antoinette(not a person) is one of them who is here to satisfy our craving/s. The entrance is charmingly simple and pleasing to the eyes, a step through the doors and you'll be greeted first by a bunch of beautiful desserts, each vying for your attention and attacking your hunger visually. So I'm going to be attacking you guys with pictures! Looks...
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