Thursday, December 29, 2011

Super Mario 3D Land

*In this post, by 3D, I meant Stereoscopic 3D* Maybe I'm weird, but I do enjoy 3D effects a lot. I do not shell out the extra dough every single time if the movie is said to be in 3D. However if a certain movie is shot with 3D in mind (think Avatar and the slightly disappointing Transformers 3: DOTM), I will go for it to experience it. Personally I feel that part of the reason why 3D doesn't catch on is that the content is not maximised for 3D, and of course having to wear the glasses is not the most convenient thing in the world(Especially if you are already required to wear it on top of your visually correcting glasses). Nintendo 3DS, the successor of the widely popular Nintendo DS with...
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Apologies for the lack of updates, things have cropped up such as equipment failure and other events. I'm back and will try to update if I have awesome stuff to share. There might be some changes to my posts but I hope you guys enjoy my posts (both old and new). ...
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